project woo woo

What is Project Woo Woo?

Project Woo Woo is a place for you to escape reality for a while… because you know life can be f@cking weird.

 There’s the podcast, Part interview, part biography, part parody.  Real conversations with imaginary people

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I’m Lisa Orkin Head Person in Charge of Project Woo Woo

mom, professional silly person, podcaster, yoga teacher, Oprah Lover, business owner, boogie boarder, salty snacker, peanut butter lover, keynote speaker, easy cryer, sometimes anxious, over-sharer, actress, shower singer, clothes horse, pudding maker, dorky dancer, VO director, writer and lifetime inappropriate giggler.


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 And get your very own morning routine that will make you happier than all your friends and skyrocket you to enlightenment.